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Jun 16, 2012
Vitrail Transparent Colors
by: Cheryl

Hello Ziesha ,

Cheryl here from Your Decorative Painting Resource. Thanks for your great question....

I went to the Lefranc et Bourgeois website. From what I can tell, the Vitrail paints are very fluid. They recommend a soft squirrel brush for application, and their how-to projects clearly shows that the product is runny. NOTE: they can be thinned with the manufacturer's "Thinner". (Never use water with solvent-based paints).

I suspect, judging from your description, that the product may have been exposed to heat and has thickened. I'd be inclined to return the product and explain the problem. Perhaps the store got a bad batch. Or it's very old stock.

In conclusion, it's not something you're doing wrong. I think the product is damaged from poor storage during transportation. This manufacturer has a great reputation and their products are very fine, so this is not a comment on Lefranc et Bourgeois.

I hope this helps.

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