I love visiting online art galleries. It's so convenient and so much fun! Looking at a variety of art is interesting and mind-expanding. Everything is so stimulating.
I'm attracted to everything from photographs, tole painting, decorative painting, rough sketches, exquisite oil paintings, abstracts, sculptures, watercolors, doodles, fibre art, children's art...oh my!!!!
Viewing every form of art gets the creative juices flowing. Don't you think there's something very inspirational about looking at other people's artwork? I get all wound up and want to rush into my studio and start something...anything!!!!
Some art makes you REALLY wonder what the heck the artist was thinking and that's neither good nor bad. It just is. But the fact that it provokes a response is what's important. You gotta love that!
Anyway, all this preamble because I thought it would be a really good idea to create one of these online art galleries so that my creative visitors could post their artwork to share with other visitors from all around the world.
As I write, there were nearly half a million unique
visitors to this website in 2014 and that's still growing. What a
great opportunity for you to display your work. Sort of like "Show and Tell" on steroids!!!!
Be sure to read the Submissions Guidelines before sending
your photos. The images must be
original works. Copying characters from Disney or Warner Brothers, for example, is not permissible. They, and rightly so, are very protective of their copyright. So if you send me anything like that, I will not be able to post it to the gallery.
If you've painted something from instructions, then simply give credit to the original designer.
If you're painting from a photo make sure it's your own or
ask permission from the photographer and give him or her credit.
Although I'm not personally offended by nudity, this website
cannot feature works depicting nudes. Nor will I post graphic or violent images.
OK, time for you to post your photo(s). It's really simple. Fill in the title of your painted project below, then give a description. A little further down there's a "browse" button which will allow you to select the image(s) you want to display. It's that easy!!
It's so exciting to see artwork from every corner of the planet. I do hope you'll share your creative projects here. It's so much fun and is easy to do. So what's holding you back?
Click below to see contributions and comments from other visitors to our gallery...
Sunflowers through the window
I use gallery glass to create my mirrors. This craft feeds my soul and helps me to relax
My sister has this little dog she loves so much. She calls her Baby and the dog follows her and her husband everywhere. I wanted to draw her precious …
Bringing back old to new
This is an old dressing table/desk I bought for 50.00 and the inspiration for refinishing it was it smelled like smoke. Nothing I did would take it away. …
Hello Felix
This is a painting of my Grandson who is 3 years old; he was on the way to playgroup/nursery and found Felix the neighbours cat so stroked Felix on the …
Acrylic pouring
This is my first pouring. I used Fluid paint, Floetrol, Sillicone,
and a print of a seashell and gloss lacquer.
Thomas and Darcy .......... first dip in the Sea
These twin children are very dear to us as their parents are friends of our twin sons and used to come to our house all the time through their friendship …
Angel Girl
I bought this statue at the Christmas tree shop, and painted her to my liking. It's for my sister. I just finished it a few days ago, and I will be giving …
Coffee and Kumquats
Had enjoyed painting a still life of Ronnie Bringles and decided I was experienced enough to set up my own still life.
Love Cypriot coffee which is …
I was inspired to do this when I found some painted engraved rocks at the craft store. The stones can be bought at Michael's craft store and the plaque …
Doggie Quilt
I made this Quilt from pre-cut fabric pieces, but I cut them again into smaller squares. I just decided one day I would experiment and make this Quilt. …
First Flight
This is an abstract done with acrylic paint on canvas. I wanted to use a lot of color splashed with a bit of white. Thank you Cheryl for allowing artists …
Sweet Flutter
I sat down one day and started to mark a canvas with purples and grays and it turned out (in my eye) to be hummingbirds. I love nature and birds …
Heaven Sent
Many believe that when a Cardinal visits you, it is actually a lost loved one reaching out to you from Heaven.
When my brother-in-law passed away …
On the Line
I have never painted or drawn a fish, and thought it would be kind of fun to do. My uncle loves to fish so I thought I would paint a trout for him.
This …
Wonderful twisted Easter basket
Hi I used 1/4" poly coated rope, hot glue gun, hot glue sticks, fabric, plastic baskets from the dollar store.
Start out gluing the tip of the rope, …
wine glasses
I decided after I tried the polka-a-dot heart valentine glass and it turned out so well at least I thought so anyway, LOL I would try these also.
I'm …
Unconditional Love
I made this flower pillow from the remnants left from the shirt I made a memory pillow out of for my daughter-in-law. That memory pillow is on this web …
Heavenly Angel Sister
I bought this resin angel and she had no paint on her she was just white. So I had to spray her with plastic primer. Let that dry, then I painted it with …
Barbara Ramos Dahlia
My dear friend Barbara shared this photo on a group I belong to and it inspired me to give it a go. I did ask permission and she was delighted that I …
Beary cute
Hi Everyone Here's another Bear Drawing for everyone to enjoy. Happy Holidays Everyone 🎁
Fuzzy Wazzie
I just sat down the other day and Drew this cute bear picture.
Keeping memory's alive
Hi I made this memory pillow for my Daughter- In-law because she lost her Dad to cancer.
The shirt it was made from was his when he was alive. This …
Bringing beauty back from old
I bought this dressing table / desk and thought I could give it some spunk. Sanded it down completely, where it could be sanded. And used old furniture …
Singing cats..
Got into painting folkart, a few years ago.
I received a postcard with cats and really liked it and decided to design my interpretation, of it.
I …
Peppa Pig Children's Shoes
A friend of mine asked me to make these for a birthday present for a special little miss. I used acrylic paints and canvas shoes and added ribbons for …
Sweet Mommy Love
I bought this statue at a store here where I live, I just loved the way it looked. I painted it just like my other statues, in acrylic paint. And sealed …
Winter Midnight Glow
Daytime winter wonderlands are so beautiful, cloaked in white. But the cool winter colors of the sky and snow in the quiet of the night are also breathtaking. …
Covered Bridge
My son requested a painting of a covered bridge where he and his family like to ride their bikes.
He sent a photograph, taken a week after all the …
Christmas village
These houses I bought them at the dollar store. They were so cute, and very nice quality. You usually don't find stuff this good.
They're ceramic, …
Halloween Fun
me and my sister in-law were at the craft store, and she told me she needed a Halloween mask. So we were looking around and she found one she liked. …
Primitive and distressed
I found this shelf at a thrift store, it was dull brown. So I painted it with several coats of burgundy paint. Then over the burgundy paint, I painted …
A little mendi inspired design
I've always had an affinity for mendi designs, henna tattoos, and general other parts of the world-ly-ness.
This one just kind of organically created …
A little purple magic birdhouse
I do all my designs with acrylic paint and unfinished birdhouses from Michaels, Hobby Lobby, or WalMart.
Everything I do is free handed and I never …
EMS Youth Squad Fundraiser
My son-in-law makes the birdhouses the youth squad sells them every Mother's day.
Halloween Globe
I have no idea what motivated me! LOL I love to paint and saw this globe at a garage sale so thought I would give it a try. I am working on fall stuff …
Pansie Welcome
I'm a Florida transplant from New Hampshire, pansies are a welcomed sign of spring in NH. Love their little "faces". Getting better at painting them.
"A Little Shabby," Hand painted birdhouse
Using acrylic paints, some love, and free hand drawing only, I paint custom birdhouses. This one was for a dear friend who has an antique booth. She …
"Hummingbirds and Hydrangeas," a hand painted birdhouse
Just love my new hobby of hand painting birdhouses. This is one I made for my Grandma featuring her two favorite things - hummingbirds and hydrangeas. …
Heart of Africa: Hand painted Glass vase.
This is a Glass vase painted with Marabu 3D Relief Outliner and transparent paint. It's done in the theme of Africa. Original design and hand painted by …
My Boy
I love clay pot people and thought I could create my own version and my gal needed a friend
My clay pot girl
I've seen clay pot people on Pinterest and I wanted to try one so I did a little more detailing. This is how I did mine found this cute purse, jean skirt …
handpainted birdhouse with pinecones and unique touch of art.
Robbie Rabbit
Just a simple piece to paint, for my garden. Thought he was so cute. He will add charm to my garden.
Just an oil painting inspired from a few different pictures. It was fun and one of my favorites.
I painted this angel with plastic primer. Then I painted her with acrylic paints.
Mixed Media on Wood Panels
Oh I had so much fun with this technique!
As a matter of fact I have almost completed the instructional e-packet for these lighthearted
abstract paintings. …
"Rose for Mom"
Oil painting.
Motivation my Love for my Mom and how special she is. Sorry about the angle.
Magical angel wings
I bought this angel from the craft store. She's made of resin. I sprayed her with plastic primer. Then I painted her hair, face, dress and foot, with acrylic …
Coming Home - Mixed Media
This is a 6" x 6" little canvas. Sometimes working small can be a lot of fun. I usually work on a larger scale but here I was trying out metal embossing …
Southwest themed night table with woodburning and acrylic
In an attempt to take art off the canvas and on to other "paintables" I took an unfinished table, stained it, and wood burned an outline I had drawn. …
Southwest themed night table with woodburning and acrylic
In an attempt to take art off the canvas and on to other "paintables" I took an unfinished table, stained it, and wood burned an outline I had drawn. …
Peekaboo Puppy
He is a vintage embroidery pattern done in acrylics on a wood cutting board
A selection of different subjects painted on mirrors
Hope my mirrors are clear enough to see, it´s not the easiest thing to do without getting me in the picture too!
Wine glass tealight holder
I created this idea for my niece when she married~
Claypot Santa
I made him up as I went along~
Here's an acrylic mixed media painting I created a few years ago. It's 8 x 20 and displayed in a float frame. It is SOLD.
The painting is made up …
Happy Ostrich
This ostrich pattern is by Margaritha Pronk... I thought he would be cute peeking out of a porthole.
He is painted with acrylics on a wooden plate. …
Lugger sailing ship - glass painting
I love glass painting and have always wanted to paint a ship at sea. I was trying to create the feeling of movement. My mind never stops trying to find …
Garden Fairy
Isn't she lovely?
Sweet little love birds.
This little bird bath is only 3 1/2" tall including the birds. They're so sweet because they're so tiny.
Sunflower candle holder
I've been recycling wine bottles and recently purchased a bottle cutter. I'm definitely an amateur at all of it but it's fun and therapeutic!
I don't …
Painted Wine Bottle with Mini Lights
Well, it’s all hand painted, I got the deer idea from the window decoration and it inspired me to draw one on the bottle.
I find bottles at recycle …
Hand Paintted Candle Holder Set
I made lines from top to bottom then went around making all different shapes making sure the line connected to where I began.
Made the black line to …
And You Bring the Wine
My granddaughter is in her first grownup apartment. After buying some much needed furniture, she had little cash left to decorate. Wanted to do something …
Peppers in Blue
This is an acrylic painting done using only a palette knife. I was challenged to put my brushes down and to only use a palette knife. Oh, it was so much …
Underground Activity
Mixed media, acrylic, oil markers on 16x20 canvas
There are many variations of the rustic tree, but as I was painting this one, it occurred to me that …
I have always sketched but was really bad at shape and form. And don't ask me to put color to anything!
Now a retired widow I have too much time on …
Hand Painted
These are all handmade and painted by me.
Sweet Heavenly Angel
I love garden statues, and usually when you buy them from the store, they are either white or they look terrible. So I decided to research how to paint …
Watercolor Abstract Tangle
It has been an unbelievable winter for those of us close to Boston. I have spent time with art and also combining some art with tangles/doodles. You …
Floral Glass Painting
I visited the local 2nd hand shop and bought framed pictures for about $1.50 each. I removed the pictures, and painted on the glass that covered the pictures. …
In The Year 2525
This is 30-inches wide by 24-inches high
MEDIA: Paper, acrylics and found objects on gallery profile canvas.
I like to work on large canvases and it's …
Pats Tabby cat
I haven't painted a cat portrait before so this was yet another first. Started off with gesso-ing the canvas 3 times, traced on the design from my own …
Hand painted with my own details.
Wonderful twisted Easter Basket Not rated yet
I made this basket for my 2 year old granddaughter. The baskets are from the dollar store. I bought poly coated rope, 1/4" a hot glue gun and hot glue …
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