Working with alcohol inks on non-porous surfaces can lead to all sorts of fun paintings that often take on a life of their own. In the images shown below, my surface of choice were inexpensive 4" x 4" glazed ceramic tiles. Any hardware or home renovation center will carry these.
Alcohol inks are very fast-drying but can be manipulated with the use of 99% isopropyl alcohol. These inks are incredibly highly pigmented and the colors just seem to explode with energy!
For my afternoon of fun and exploration I sat down with Adirondack Alcohol Inks (6 different colors). I had on hand some rubbing alcohol, the ceramic tiles, a drinking straw and a can of compressed air.
The tiles were cleaned with rubbing alcohol first. Then all I did was place a few drops of one color ink on a tile and quickly blew through the straw to move the ink before it had a chance to dry. But blowing through a straw left me feeling a little light-headed. Whoa!
So, when I added another color here and there, this time I used the can of compressed air. That was a blast! Literally... and no more dizziness.
From here on in I continued blowing other colors around. The inks blended forming new colors and shapes.
And then I added random drops of rubbing alcohol and watched as the painting changed even more! Sometimes I just dripped the alcohol randomly but other times I used a #1 Liner brush to add the dots of alcohol with more precision.
All I can say is for you to explore and play. If you hate your tile, just wipe it all off with the rubbing alcohol and start over.
Use a glossy spray varnish to protect the finished work.
This is a great way to unwind! And instead of framing them you could use them as coasters as long as you glue some cork pads to the underside of the tiles. They make great gifts!
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