Can you please tell me what kind/ brand wood sealer I need for prepping my wood?

by Mary leduc
(San Diego, CA)


I used to Tole Paint years ago and now my grown daughter wants me to show her a few things. We are going to be painting on new unfinished pine boxes, I used to use McCloskeys wood sealer but I just found out it no longer exists. Could you please tell what kind/ brand of sealer you would recommend?

Thank you very much,

Mary Leduc

Hi Mary, Cheryl here from YDPR.... You can use Jo Sonja All Purpose Sealer or Americana All Purpose Sealer or Delta Ceramcoat All Purpose Sealer. These are available at most craft / art supply stores. Sounds like you and your daughter will be having a great time painting together!

Comments for Can you please tell me what kind/ brand wood sealer I need for prepping my wood?

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Oct 05, 2016
McClosky wood sealer
by: Pjkirby

I used to tole also. The McClosky wood sealer controlled the nap on the wood. We could use water base paint & we would have very little nap to sand away.
We could also use the same product to stain the wood with any turpentine base stain. We could also leave the natural wood grain show around our design. It could be put on with a brush or a soft, tee shirt type fabric, with rubber gloves. The wood grain was absolutely beautiful.
Any of the wood sealers, Ceramacoat, Decoart, etc. are acrylic based. It was like a painted clear coat finishing sealer. McClosky's was also available in qt., pint & 4 oz. sizes. Of course we had to clean our brushes with turpentine, paint thinner, etc.
I would like to find a similar product.
Thank you.

Oct 29, 2016
by: PjKirby

I have used all of the wood sealers that you mentioned. Unless the "all purpose" was used to describe a new product, the sealer was water based & didn't penetrate the wood. Just not the same in my opinion. My neighbor cut some 3 candle holders from a tree limb. I had about 2 oz. of McClosky sealer. I sealed all of them, bark & sawed edges. They are beautiful & no sanding required. Thank you, Cheryl for your comments

Oct 21, 2018
what brand of sealer
by: Anonymous

What brand of sealer (what kind of sealer)

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