Indoor/outdoor glass paint

What is the best opaque indoor/outdoor glass paint that will be permanent on wine bottles? I have been using Martha Stewart glass paints but am looking for something new to change things up a bit.

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Mar 27, 2016
Wine Bottle Painting
by: Cheryl

I like DecoArt Americana Gloss Enamels (opaque). There are 36 colors to choose from, which can mix to create even more colors.

Apr 19, 2016
Painting Inside Wine Bottles
by: Loulabelle

Hi there

Ive just signed up, this site is so lovely and helpful

OK..... Ive got these wine bottles staring at me, Ive swirled water based acryllic paint around them inside, they were all dry and clean, it just does not want to stick, it coats lovely at first but when draining and drying goes thin and dries awfully streaky!
ive tried it neat and also mixing with PVA, nothing works yet lots of UTube vids say its "so easy" (Usually n an American twang!) ;)

upon googling Ive just purchased some FOLKART TILE MEDIUM as they say paint adheres to it when put on glass
is this right?
do I just swirl this inside, let it dry then swirl paint on top?
The paints Im using are Casa acryllics, Ive had these for years but never used, they are as new
I used to paint canvas Tipi tents!

Can you help? Id really appreciate it today if poss, Im in Dorset in the UK

Thankuuu xx

Oct 25, 2016
Painting Inside Wine Bottles
by: Cheryl

I've painted inside glass ball ornaments with great success using a now discontinued paint.

My recommendation is to use paints made specifically for slick surfaces. Transparent or opaque enamel paints work best. Check out DecoArt or FolkARt Enamels.

The glass bottles must be clean and completely dry before proceeding with your project.

I'm not familiar with Casa acrylics so I cannot attest to how they'd chemically react to the tile medium from a different manufacturer. Experiment would be what I'd do.

Let me know what you discover!

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