What Are They?

Vision boards are created to help you narrow down your goals and aspirations.  They are tools for mapping out how you want your life story to unfold.

When you create your own vision boards you learn to focus your mind on what it is you truly want.

What you want may be to live a more healthful life, to lose weight permanently, be stronger.  Perhaps you want a nicer home with a large kitchen.

Maybe your vision includes the ability to travel more.  You see yourself starting a small successful business. These are just off the top of my head.

How to Create Vision Boards

Chances are pretty good you landed on this page because you’ve already heard of vision boards. Maybe you even thought it was a great idea to do one for yourself. But when it came time to do it, you didn’t have a clue where to start. Probably felt a little bewildered or just overwhelmed.

My workshops are meant to facilitate that process. Once you get going, you’ll want to make vision boards for all aspects of your life. You’ll have the tools to put everything into motion.

There are many ways to create a vision board. At its basic level, you simply find images, colors, textures and text, that best describe your personal vision. You then mount these on a surface in a manner that harmonizes with you…a personal collage, as it were. Simple enough, right?

The truth is that the most difficult part of the process is not in pulling this material together or making a pleasing board. The hard part is learning what it is you truly want versus what you think you deserve in life. That's the challenge!

Vision Groups

Although making these visual collages is a very personal activity, there is much to be gained by participating in a group workshop.

In the group “visioning” sessions you can get input and receive information from other like-minded people. It’s like brainstorming or like a think tank where everyone in the room is on the same mission but with their own ideas. It’s pretty powerful energy.

Who Can Benefit?

Are you any closer to your goals than you were last year? Are there patterns in your life that keep you going around and around getting nowhere? Have you lost sight of your dreams, wishes and desires? Can’t seem to face the next hurdle / big change in your life?

In a nutshell, just about anyone can benefit from learning to envision the life they want for themselves.


Photo of original artwork by artist Renee Deschamps.

TIME: 10:00am to 4:00pm

PRIVATE SESSION, one-on-one or couples: $250.00

Includes the use of all paints, papers, materials and tools as well as a 16 x 20 canvas. Morning muffins and a light lunch are provided plus all you can drink coffee, an assortment of teas, filtered water and canned pop.

GROUP SESSION,minimum 3 maximum 6: $125.00 per person

Want to try it on your own?  Here's a free tutorial to get you started!

If you'd like more information on vision boards, contact me here.

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