Doodling art for adults is a wonderful, creative outlet no matter what your artistic abilities are.
In this guided 1-day, hands on, all-inclusive workshop men and women experience what it’s like to truly relax and what it really means to take a break.
You’ll learn how to express yourself in a way that is uniquely yours and trust your own creative path.
Because adults need to have some fun too! We’ve all forgotten how relaxing it is to do something just for the sake of doing it. No reason. No expectation. No judgement.
We’ve forgotten how to breathe deeply and to let our shoulders drop down below our earlobes. We’re always on the go go go. Always SO busy!
In a workshop environment we get to spend time in a supportive environment and connect with others to share experiences and gain encouragement from each other.
We take dedicated time and space to unwind and practice mindfulness by doodling. Trust me when I say it helps to release stress and promote relaxation.
For the day we can unleash our creativity. By attending a guided doodling workshop, we can learn to tap into our natural creativity, be it drawing or writing or singing… whatever it is. Doodling can unlock whatever has been blocking us from excelling in other areas of our lives.
As far fetched as it may sound, doodling can foster a spirit of self-discovery. By learning to let go we can express ourselves freely and with confidence. This leads to greater self-acceptance and personal development.
I have personally integrated doodling in my daily life. I turn to doodling when I need to work out problems or to gain some mental clarity. Or I doodle just for fun because it feels good. Making doodles re-charges my batteries! It lifts my spirits and makes me a better version of myself.
DATE: to be announced
TIME: 10:00 AM to 3:00PM
FEE: $55 per person
Includes use of most art supplies such as inks, acrylic paints, permanent markers,and paint brushes.
Includes lunch (build your own salad) and beverages, including tea and coffee.
A short supplies list will be emailed to you upon registration.
You can contact me here for more information.
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