Clumps and flakes in 2 oz paint

I have a very large project to basecoat in acrylic. My bottles were sealed, but I have clumps and flakes of dried paint appearing on my surface. I have shaken the bottles, but not more vigorously than usual. I tried putting a piece of stocking between the cap and the bottle to hopefully catch the flecks before I dispense the paint on the surface, but it was very difficult to then get the paint out. Since I will have to use perhaps 5 bottles of paint to do the base coating, is there an easy way to get the paint clean? I am seeing several flecks on my surface so far and I have barely started!
Thank you for any suggestions!

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Oct 24, 2016
Clumps and flakes in 2 oz paint
by: Cheryl

It sounds like the paint's shelf life has expired. If the paint sat unused for a few years the pigments and binder will separate and you'll get clumps and bits. Even if the paint bottle has never been opened.

It's possible the paint bottles may have been near a heat source as well.

Some paint colors come in larger size formats. Check with the manufacturer.

Five 2oz bottles is a lot of paint. You must be painting on a very large surface! What color are you basecoating with and who is the manufacturer? I may be able to offer suggestions to minimize the amount of paint you're needing.

Oct 24, 2016
kitchen tools
by: Anonymous

I would cut open the bottles and scoop out the paint and scrape it through a kitchen strainer with a spoon, and then re-bottle it. When I was teaching art in a public school I often had to strain the paints, glue, ink, etc. and put the mix back in a ketchup bottle or larger bleach bottle or similar.

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