Painted Glass

by Jodee
(Ontario, NY, USA)

I saw on your site that food/drink should not come in contact with the vitrea paint for glass. If I use vitrea to paint glasses on the outside only, are they safe to drink from?

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Nov 10, 2019
Glass paint safe to drink from?
by: Cheryl

Contact with food or beverages from any glass paint on the market (as at the time of writing this) is not food safe. The words non-toxic do not mean food safe.

For glasses, make sure you paint your design below the rim of the glass by about a half inch so that the paint doesn't touch the lip.

For Vitrea 160 by Pebeo, you can bake the glass after 24 hours of drying. This will make the paint dishwasher safe but it will not make it food safe.

I hope this helps. Cheryl

Feb 29, 2020
Painting on glass that will be used for food
by: Lori F

One way I help assure that I'm applying the paint low enough on a glass to prevent it from coming into contact with skin and food, is to wrap 1/2" - 3/4" masking tape around the top edge of the glassware before painting. That provides a visual stopping place for your design.

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