Paint/Sealer for Tile

by Rebecca

This is a sample of something like what I want to do.

This is a sample of something like what I want to do.

I have been reading many different blogs / articles about painting on ceramic tile and sealers to use after and I thought I would put this question out to your expertise as well.

The project is a Fire Pit Table.

What I want to do is have either message printed or painted on each tile and then place the tile back on the table and give the table as a gift. The messages are from all the employees either just their name or a short message - some are longer - and I was going to print out the messages on clear labels or something like that so that I can make sure we can preserve the classy look of the table, and attach them to the tile and seal the tile so it is heat and water proof as this table will most likely be stored outside. Then on two or three of the tiles I was going to have all the employees sign their names. The table is like a retirement gift for a couple that are pretty wealthy and I want them to be able to appreciate the personalized touch without it looking like a "patchwork" quilt. If you get what I mean.

I have been looking at pictures of different projects like on Pinterest but I cant seem to locate any step by step instructions or what kind of direction to take on product.

Please help - I am running out of time.


Comments for Paint/Sealer for Tile

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Jan 06, 2017
Fire Pit Table
by: Cheryl

Hi Rebecca,

I can't think of a product that would be resistant to heat.

The sample image you provide appears to be made up of kiln fired glazed ceramic tiles. These would stand up to heat.

I wish I had better news for you. Sounds like a very thoughtful gift.

Jan 07, 2017
Cool design
by: Tammy Spalsbury

That is awesome 😎. It would be just beautiful as a table. I Love ❤️ it.

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