Comments for Pebeo Vitrea 160, Reverse Glass Painted Chandelier Bowl

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Jan 31, 2012
by: Anonymous


Jul 11, 2012
Mixing Brands of Glass Paints
by: Cheryl

What a dazzling chandelier you've painted. Truly awesome!!!!

As the author of this site I just need to clear one thing. Pebeo Vitrea 160 is a heat set product and as you know, Delta PermEnamels are air cured for 10 days. My question is, did you use the PermEnamels AFTER you heat set the Pebeo Vitrea 160?

Thanks for sharing your beautiful work and your step-by-step process. That is most generous.

Apr 01, 2015
Types of Glass You've Used
by: prairiesunshine

I'm just starting my journey into glass painting and I'm curious to know what kinds of glass you've used and which truly are safe to put in the oven?

I was told that blown glass wasn't safe to put in the oven but am trying to verify if this info is accurate or not.

Have you ever had glass that wasn't safe and had an accident result from it?

I'm hoping to pick up bottles and vases, jars etc. from the dollar store and used shops to save money on glassware. Any advice on this?

Thanks for any info you, other readers or Cheryl can offer!


ps, I DO plan to use Pebeo Vitrea 160 for my projects since I was not able to find full product lines at my local stores and was able to order the Pebeo online at a store in a nearby city.

Apr 01, 2015
Types of Glassware
by: Cheryl

Hi Prairie Sunshine,
I have used a lot of glass pieces from Dollar Stores without any issues.

Where you see handles or glass stems, look for evidence of glue. If pieces are glued, they will not withstand the heat-curing process, they will fall off... and likely they'll not perform well in the dishwasher for that matter.

I am looking into blown glass, but given that they have already withstood some seriously high heat in the making, I'm thinking they might be OK... BUT I'm don't know anything about glass blowing and how delicate it is or not. I will put on my Sherlock Holmes hat, you can be sure!

Many thanks for your contribution, love this kind of feedback!

Apr 01, 2015
GLASS TYPES - Thank You!
by: prairiesunshine

Thank you for such a quick and awesome response! Your website is so informative and beautifully made. What a wonderful resource!

While I LOVE vintage glass and depression glass, It's the LOOK I love the most. And as an artist, you know we always want to find a way to do it OUR way! Why pay $40 for an antique milk bottle when I can buy one for a buck and (hopefully) turn it cobalt blue with Pebeo Vitrea 160 Lapis. (Oh I hope I've chosen the right color!)

And the fact that you can mix in frosted mediums and shimmers and be able to play with marbling and dipping and coating and oh my! I think I've found a new obsession! I've heard you can even play with things like gold/metallic leaf...

To one day be able to paint a lamp shade as gorgeous as this is a goal I look forward to with passion!

I have worked with paint since I was 8 years old, finding a new medium is always exciting!

Thank you so much for the wonderful information!

Now, I was told you can't put CRYSTAL in the oven... ;O) Any experience with that? Imagine cobalt blue crystal picked up at the flea market! ;O)

Apr 01, 2015
by: Cheryl

I haven't had an opportunity to play with the Crystal resins. I've used resins before and there's no heat setting involved and resins are a hard finish so you wouldn't need to. Nice thing about this product is it doesn't yellow! Yeah. You should be able to find some YouTube videos on the subject matter (until I get a chance to create some tutorials from this site!) :o) Oh dear! What are you getting me into?!

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