What an awful thing to happen to all your hard work! Been there done that, though.
Were you working in oils or acrylics? I have found that rubbing alcohol removes acrylics really well. White cotton would likely still show traces of the pigment though. Can you paint more roses to cover the area?
There's also a product called 1000+ Stain Remover by Winning Brands Corporation that has saved many of my enthusiastic student's clothes in the studio! Worth having on hand.
Could you cut out the design and sew it onto another cardigan? You could get creative with the stitching, maybe add a ribbon border around the patch....
Anything to save that gorgeous painting!!
I hope this helps!
Feb 20, 2012
Wonderful Idea! by: Tina
Oooh, Cheryl, what a great idea! Now, I just have to figure out how I'm going to cut that out & piece it. Wonderful!!!
Sep 09, 2016
Removing paint from fabric by: Mary Louise
If the paint has dried for a while... hard to say if it will come out. When I get paint on a shirt I immediately go to hand sanitizer and carefully get the sanitizer in the fibers of the fabric. Sometimes your fingernail can help lift it out. Just try not to rub too too much ...paint will spread...could smear. Let it dry and wash. . Dollar Tree stores carry a product called Awesome that my students tell me works. I have not tried. If you really like the jacket...before cutting....paint a leaf or a rose bud. The composition is so beautiful. Good luck.
Can you tell me what a pudmuckle is? I thought the term described a tole painting stroke, but I cannot find it listed or illustrated anywhere. My email
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