How to Resize Line Drawings

For years I tried to figure out how to resize line drawings.  I finally clued in!

Let's say you have a line drawing or an image you need to resize. You want to make that line drawing fit onto a certain surface. But the line drawing is either too small or too large.

Now, I'm no math genius but I came across this very useful measuring tip. (Those of you who can balance check books and do math in your head can stop giggling now!)


Your pattern is 15-inches long and you need to make it 12-inches long. Simply take 12, divide by 15 which equals 0.8, then multiply that by 100 for a total of 80. Now you can set the copier or scanner to reduce at 80%.

12/15 = 0.8 x 100 = 80


Your pattern is 12-inches long and you want to enlarge it to 15-inches. Take 15, divide it by 12 which equals 1.25, then multiply that by 100 for a total of 125. So now you can set the scanner or copier to enlarge by 125%.

15/12 = 1.25 x 100 = 125

I hope you like this little tip to resize line drawings!

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