
I am a beginner at glass painting. I have purchased several stencils to try. The stencils that I have found are vey few and mostly of flowers. Also purchased blank stencils, but apparently I am doing someting wrong because they never come out right. Is there a book that I could purchase that would teach me to make my own stencils.

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Mar 17, 2013
Stencil questions
by: Lori

This the first time I've been to your site and I have the exact same problem! I'd love to be able to paint on wine glasses with stencils using letters so I can personalize them for weddings,etc. And maybe sell them and make a little money. :) I did use Martha Stewart stencils which work pretty well because they have adhesive on the back but they don't work very well for putting words on the glasses. Any advice out there?

Feb 21, 2015
Stencils for Words
by: Karen

Here's what worked for me when painting a clear wine glass. I chose the type of Font and Size I wanted on my computer, then typed the words as I wanted them to look, then printed it out. I cut the paper to fit inside the wine glass and taped it, then used that as my guide to paint the letters. Worked great, but this only works when you paint on something clear. I've used carbon paper if I'm painting on something colored, but have sometimes had problems with the carbon ink getting on the paint. Still, it works...just have to do a touch up afterwards. I'm learning all these things through trial and error myself, as well as all the help I can find online.

Feb 25, 2015
by: Cheryl

Thanks Karen, this is a very helpful tip!

Sep 09, 2016
Glass painting
by: Mary Louise

I paint wine glasses, vases, plates, etc using a similar approach as Cheryl. Pattern inside or under item being painted. It works!

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