Paint Brush Pocket Guide For Trees

Get Only What You Need
Remove Guesswork and Save Money

Download this short but powerful Guide and take it shopping with you.

What This Guide Will Do For You...

  • No more buying the wrong brushes
  • No more guesswork about what works
  • No more frustration by not having the right brushes when you need them
  • It's a concise reference you''ll use forever to save time and money
  • Keep a copy on your mobile device and take it with you
  • Print the 1 page guide and take it with you
  • Just imagine the time and money you will save.

A Few Words From  Our Community Of Painters...

Love getting your newsletter. Whenever you can find the time to write is fine with me. Enjoy the winter... we've only had 1 storm so far this year (Hulls Cove, ME) but keep hoping !
Thank you for your upbeat newsletter.
I'm an experienced painter but am game for anything. You can always learn something new from everyone!!!
I enjoy reading the newsletters. I love to hear what other painters are doing and I enjoy trying new things-- new products, different methods for new finishes. This is an exciting field, with lots to learn and lots to do. Keep the letters coming. Lois
I always look forward to your newsletter. You keep me inspired! TY
Love everything you post.
Love the hints, techniques and skill hints, not able to spend too much money, especially when it's US dollars, on videos etc but know others do. Keep up the good work, and many thanks
Just a little note of thanks for an awesome newsletter.
Thank you for all you do! Could we get more instruction on canvas painting?
Thank you for inspiring me to get back into painting again.
I just joined right before Christmas so I would love weekly newsletters. I'm excited for what comes next!!
Love your tips and enjoy your e-mails. I am looking forward to making floating easier. It's always a challenge for me. Thank you and Happy 2016

I really enjoy your newsletter and the one thing that I want to learn is how to turn my favorite hobby into an income earning hobby.

Of course, skill building is high on my list as well, but this year I find that I am in need of income and I have always received positive feedback with my projects that I have finished, so I am interested in learning how to successfully branch out and sell my finished items.

Keep those newsletters coming. I love them! They motivate me! Blessings!

I love that we can email you and receive great painting help from you.

I have painted in all mediums, done craft shows for ten years and now I paint on canvas and watercolor paper for my own enjoyment.

I liked your download on evergreen trees it was very helpful. I read all of your newsletters and they are really helpful no matter what you do.

I painted light bulbs for xmas and they were really fun. Thank you for you time and skill sharing. Judy

I enjoy any info you send at any time!

I love your emails. It is always so uplifting, positive and encouraging. I always know when I get mail from you and I am in a slump it will pull me out, to get creative and do something. If nothing else I smile!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you for the time you commit to us. LOL I am so sorry I forgot to put my Country Canada!!!!!!!!!!!!

I would love to know how to use specialty brushes, like the fan brush or the toe brush (I think that's what it's called.) As well the proper use of basic brushes that you are preparing. Thank you for your time and energy. You truly make a difference.
Thank you for your dedication in producing a wonderful newsletter. Awesome artist. Thank you again, Linda
I would love some color-theory help. I enjoy reading your Creative Chronicles. Thanks. Faye
Love the newsletter.
I love your positive attitude it is felt. I am going to try and be more involved with you. I have been all over the place last year. Just started painting again last year, spring. My goal is to find what I really want to paint and do it. I don't know what you have in mind but I will try to participate.
Your newsletters are always very informative and I appreciate the work you put into them. You do whatever works best for you! Thank you for sharing your knowledge!
I really enjoy your newsletters! I've been thru a really rough period since early Sept, and they have helped me refocus on something I love - painting! God bless you for all you do and for all of us you have helped!
Happy New Year Cheryl. So enjoy your newsy letters. You are really informative and share your beautiful creativity. You have inspired me, to get back to painting again! I thank-you! Love your little how to pages you send, it does refresh ones memory; how easily one forgets if you are not painting for years at a time. 2016 is going to be a great year. Ellenore
Thank you!!! You are my inspiration to keep on going!!!
Thoroughly enjoying your emails and looking forward to your classes.
I enjoy these newsletters very much! Keep 'em coming. I get lots of creative ideas and tips from them, so thank you very much for sharing yourself with us!
I am using and teaching kids in acrylic paints and any tips, hints information is appreciated. Thanks Cheryl, best regards Noeleen
I really enjoy pictures of projects you are working on.
I find the newsletters to be brief and to the point. Sometimes I just read your introduction and others the projects etc. You are a joy to read, even if I do not participate or buy things.
Enjoy reading. I like tips. I like to see how others paint various things. Thanks for tips, ideas and lessons
I really enjoy your letters. They make me happy & get me going!
Love hearing from you!
I just can't wait for the online classes I want to learn to paint
I love your newsletters and your education materials. You've helped me so much! Thank you!
You do a great job with your newsletter and instructions. I LOVE when you have free projects. THANK YOU!!!
Thank you for all that you share. I enjoy hearing from you.
Most of your newsletters have at least a tidbit or two I can use. The newsletter is welcome any time.
I enjoy your articles. I have shared many as educational articles for our painting chapter. Thank you and keep them coming.
I enjoy your emails!!...Thank you very much for all of your information on painting!!!...I love it!!
I enjoy your information and look forward to reading and learning from you
Look forward to every Thursday! Do I practice the strokes you sent a few weeks back on any paper? I have paper for acrylic paint Brushes should be good ones but how do you know. What brand do you use? I know nothing about any of this. Waiting for beginner teaching. Thanks so much for your time? Blessings Janet
Love all your ideas and work, only wish I were as talented as you. Want to learn more faux painting ideas.
Always a pleasure to hear from you! I wish there was a place we could save the courses on or in. The tree one was good as I can refer back to it and do it at my timeline Even if it is 2 months as it is stored in iBooks.
I especially enjoy painting with acrylics in a watercolor style. I would like to see some projects using this style. I do enjoy your weekly newsletters but sometimes I get behind in reading them and trying new projects.
Happy New Year)) Thank You! You can send letters whenever you want or can. But I come to read my mail not very often)))
I always enjoy reading your newsletter, not only informative, but cheery and light hearted. Keep up what you are doing
Very interesting newsletter. I really need to brush up on my beginner skills. The proper floating technique would be helpful as well. Thanks for trying to help us.
I find your newsletter very helpful. Thank you.
Keep up the great work. It is always interesting to see how other do things & I can always learn something new. Would like to see more Americana items to paint. Everyone likes these items as gifts even if their décor is not totally Americana themed.
Thank you for sharing your talent with us!
Thank you for the info that you do provide, Cheryl. It's nice to see how you collect questions and then pull the answers together. Thank you.
When you get inspired, please pass along that inspiration to me, too. What I struggle with is BALANCING a painting so the focal point is key, not too much detail on one side of the canvas to detract the eye from the main subject matter. I do look forward to your emails Cheryl.
I think your site is wonderful. You are so creative. I am finally going to have the time to actually utilize your ideas. Thank you.
I enjoy getting and reading your newsletters. Thank you for your helpful tips. I save them all.
Thank you for having a newsletter for me to read and learn from. I enjoy the information no matter. Thank you again from this "artist" to you. Georgia
I like everything you send out. I'm a beginner so everything is exciting. Thanks, you make my day when I get an email.
I'm a new painter in watercolour so I enjoy tips and other info as a beginner You have a great spirit - thanks for your input
I think your information, advice and instruction is awesome. I read it when I can. Thank you
I appreciate your energizing and positive attitude.
A sincere thanks for your efforts.
Just to say that I enjoy reading what you send; appreciate your work; and HOPE that you will resume teaching projects again :)
Enjoy reading your emails
Love the newsletters. Thank you for sharing
Love getting your newsletter I don't respond to too many things but love reading whatever you are teaching
I look forward to your Newsletters. I enjoy all you show us. I used to have my own Craft Shop and did all hand crafted items. I also taught a beginner's painting class. I love learning new techniques. Keep up the great work.
I am returning to painting after 7 years. Can use all of the lessons and information you are offering. Thanks
Love hearing from you!
Anxious to get started building my painting dkills. Thanks for your time and patience.
I realize that preparing and sending out a weekly newsletter is a lot of work so, although I selected "keep it coming weekly", I have no expectations. You should do what's right for you. And I always enjoy reading, whenever it comes. If I don't have time on the day of, then I save for it later. Thank you for everything that you do for our painting community. D

I Am Blessed

This is a FREE service from
Enjoy being a part of our community of painters. 
There's never any obligation.
You can unsubscribe at any time.

It's A Sad Story...

It’s happened to every painter I know.  New painters and experienced painters alike.  It can come when you least expect it. 

But it happens anyway.  It’s a big problem.  And do you know what it is?

Sometimes there are just too many choices.  It’s almost impossible to decide. 

That’s so true when you are buying brushes.  There are so many styles.  So many sizes.  So many grades.  So many manufacturers telling you theirs is best. 

What do you do?  How do you choose? 

I call it “brush overwhelm”.  Let me tell you… it’s no fun.  And it can stop you in your tracks.

Worse than that… it can cost you time, frustration and money.

Do you know what bugs me?  Investing in an expensive brush and getting poor results.  There’s nothing more frustrating.  The money.  The time.  You sometimes even wonder if you should be painting at all.

It’s happened to me.  It can happen to you too. 

With A Happy Ending

It doesn’t have to be that way.  What if you had an experienced guide to lead you? 

There is… I’m here.  And I am giving you my personal guide to choose the best brushes to paint trees.  This is all based on my personal experience so I know it works.

And the best part is… It’s free for you to take.

Why would you ever let the wrong brushes stop you from becoming the best painter you can be?  Get your free guide now.


Do I really show you which brushes and sizes I use to paint trees?  You bet I do!  And I do it in a way that's easy to understand and simple to reference.  See what folks are saying in the comments to the left.

Don't forget to let me know how you enjoyed your Paint Brush Pocket Guide for Trees.

Share this page with your friends on FaceBook by using the buttons below.

Thanks for stopping by.

What This Guide Will Do For You...

  • No more buying the wrong brushes
  • No more guesswork about what works
  • No more frustration by not having the right brushes when you need them
  • It's a concise reference you''ll use forever to save time and money
  • Keep a copy on your mobile device and take it with you
  • Print the 1 page guide and take it with you
  • Just imagine the time and money you will save.

A Few Words From  Our Community Of Painters...

Love getting your newsletter. Whenever you can find the time to write is fine with me. Enjoy the winter... we've only had 1 storm so far this year (Hulls Cove, ME) but keep hoping !
Thank you for your upbeat newsletter.
I'm an experienced painter but am game for anything. You can always learn something new from everyone!!!
I enjoy reading the newsletters. I love to hear what other painters are doing and I enjoy trying new things-- new products, different methods for new finishes. This is an exciting field, with lots to learn and lots to do. Keep the letters coming. Lois
I always look forward to your newsletter. You keep me inspired! TY
Love everything you post.
Love the hints, techniques and skill hints, not able to spend too much money, especially when it's US dollars, on videos etc but know others do. Keep up the good work, and many thanks
Just a little note of thanks for an awesome newsletter.
Thank you for all you do! Could we get more instruction on canvas painting?
Thank you for inspiring me to get back into painting again.
I just joined right before Christmas so I would love weekly newsletters. I'm excited for what comes next!!
Love your tips and enjoy your e-mails. I am looking forward to making floating easier. It's always a challenge for me. Thank you and Happy 2016

I really enjoy your newsletter and the one thing that I want to learn is how to turn my favorite hobby into an income earning hobby.

Of course, skill building is high on my list as well, but this year I find that I am in need of income and I have always received positive feedback with my projects that I have finished, so I am interested in learning how to successfully branch out and sell my finished items.

Keep those newsletters coming. I love them! They motivate me! Blessings!

I love that we can email you and receive great painting help from you.

I have painted in all mediums, done craft shows for ten years and now I paint on canvas and watercolor paper for my own enjoyment.

I liked your download on evergreen trees it was very helpful. I read all of your newsletters and they are really helpful no matter what you do.

I painted light bulbs for xmas and they were really fun. Thank you for you time and skill sharing. Judy

I enjoy any info you send at any time!

I love your emails. It is always so uplifting, positive and encouraging. I always know when I get mail from you and I am in a slump it will pull me out, to get creative and do something. If nothing else I smile!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you for the time you commit to us. LOL I am so sorry I forgot to put my Country Canada!!!!!!!!!!!!

I would love to know how to use specialty brushes, like the fan brush or the toe brush (I think that's what it's called.) As well the proper use of basic brushes that you are preparing. Thank you for your time and energy. You truly make a difference.
Thank you for your dedication in producing a wonderful newsletter. Awesome artist. Thank you again, Linda
I would love some color-theory help. I enjoy reading your Creative Chronicles. Thanks. Faye
Love the newsletter.
I love your positive attitude it is felt. I am going to try and be more involved with you. I have been all over the place last year. Just started painting again last year, spring. My goal is to find what I really want to paint and do it. I don't know what you have in mind but I will try to participate.
Your newsletters are always very informative and I appreciate the work you put into them. You do whatever works best for you! Thank you for sharing your knowledge!
I really enjoy your newsletters! I've been thru a really rough period since early Sept, and they have helped me refocus on something I love - painting! God bless you for all you do and for all of us you have helped!
Happy New Year Cheryl. So enjoy your newsy letters. You are really informative and share your beautiful creativity. You have inspired me, to get back to painting again! I thank-you! Love your little how to pages you send, it does refresh ones memory; how easily one forgets if you are not painting for years at a time. 2016 is going to be a great year. Ellenore
Thank you!!! You are my inspiration to keep on going!!!
Thoroughly enjoying your emails and looking forward to your classes.
I enjoy these newsletters very much! Keep 'em coming. I get lots of creative ideas and tips from them, so thank you very much for sharing yourself with us!
I am using and teaching kids in acrylic paints and any tips, hints information is appreciated. Thanks Cheryl, best regards Noeleen
I really enjoy pictures of projects you are working on.
I find the newsletters to be brief and to the point. Sometimes I just read your introduction and others the projects etc. You are a joy to read, even if I do not participate or buy things.
Enjoy reading. I like tips. I like to see how others paint various things. Thanks for tips, ideas and lessons
I really enjoy your letters. They make me happy & get me going!
Love hearing from you!
I just can't wait for the online classes I want to learn to paint
I love your newsletters and your education materials. You've helped me so much! Thank you!
You do a great job with your newsletter and instructions. I LOVE when you have free projects. THANK YOU!!!
Thank you for all that you share. I enjoy hearing from you.
Most of your newsletters have at least a tidbit or two I can use. The newsletter is welcome any time.
I enjoy your articles. I have shared many as educational articles for our painting chapter. Thank you and keep them coming.
I enjoy your emails!!...Thank you very much for all of your information on painting!!!...I love it!!
I enjoy your information and look forward to reading and learning from you
Look forward to every Thursday! Do I practice the strokes you sent a few weeks back on any paper? I have paper for acrylic paint Brushes should be good ones but how do you know. What brand do you use? I know nothing about any of this. Waiting for beginner teaching. Thanks so much for your time? Blessings Janet
Love all your ideas and work, only wish I were as talented as you. Want to learn more faux painting ideas.
Always a pleasure to hear from you! I wish there was a place we could save the courses on or in. The tree one was good as I can refer back to it and do it at my timeline Even if it is 2 months as it is stored in iBooks.
I especially enjoy painting with acrylics in a watercolor style. I would like to see some projects using this style. I do enjoy your weekly newsletters but sometimes I get behind in reading them and trying new projects.
Happy New Year)) Thank You! You can send letters whenever you want or can. But I come to read my mail not very often)))
I always enjoy reading your newsletter, not only informative, but cheery and light hearted. Keep up what you are doing
Very interesting newsletter. I really need to brush up on my beginner skills. The proper floating technique would be helpful as well. Thanks for trying to help us.
I find your newsletter very helpful. Thank you.
Keep up the great work. It is always interesting to see how other do things & I can always learn something new. Would like to see more Americana items to paint. Everyone likes these items as gifts even if their décor is not totally Americana themed.
Thank you for sharing your talent with us!
Thank you for the info that you do provide, Cheryl. It's nice to see how you collect questions and then pull the answers together. Thank you.
When you get inspired, please pass along that inspiration to me, too. What I struggle with is BALANCING a painting so the focal point is key, not too much detail on one side of the canvas to detract the eye from the main subject matter. I do look forward to your emails Cheryl.
I think your site is wonderful. You are so creative. I am finally going to have the time to actually utilize your ideas. Thank you.
I enjoy getting and reading your newsletters. Thank you for your helpful tips. I save them all.
Thank you for having a newsletter for me to read and learn from. I enjoy the information no matter. Thank you again from this "artist" to you. Georgia
I like everything you send out. I'm a beginner so everything is exciting. Thanks, you make my day when I get an email.
I'm a new painter in watercolour so I enjoy tips and other info as a beginner You have a great spirit - thanks for your input
I think your information, advice and instruction is awesome. I read it when I can. Thank you
I appreciate your energizing and positive attitude.
A sincere thanks for your efforts.
Just to say that I enjoy reading what you send; appreciate your work; and HOPE that you will resume teaching projects again :)
Enjoy reading your emails
Love the newsletters. Thank you for sharing
Love getting your newsletter I don't respond to too many things but love reading whatever you are teaching
I look forward to your Newsletters. I enjoy all you show us. I used to have my own Craft Shop and did all hand crafted items. I also taught a beginner's painting class. I love learning new techniques. Keep up the great work.
I am returning to painting after 7 years. Can use all of the lessons and information you are offering. Thanks
Love hearing from you!
Anxious to get started building my painting dkills. Thanks for your time and patience.
I realize that preparing and sending out a weekly newsletter is a lot of work so, although I selected "keep it coming weekly", I have no expectations. You should do what's right for you. And I always enjoy reading, whenever it comes. If I don't have time on the day of, then I save for it later. Thank you for everything that you do for our painting community. D

I Am Blessed

Download this short but powerful Guide and take it shopping with you.

This is a FREE service from
Enjoy being a part of our community of painters. 
There's never any obligation.
You can unsubscribe at any time.

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