Vitrail Glass paint on Wood.

I would like to paint on wood with Faux Vitrail Glass that possible?

Are there instructions of how to start and finish a project?

Thank you,

Hi Elaine,
Cheryl here.... I haven't done that myself but I'm glad you asked! I'll have to see how this might turn out!

I'm not sure about the second you mean how to prepare your wood surface and how to preserve your project when it's completed? Or do you want to know how to get your creativity started?

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Jun 01, 2014
Painting on Wood Instructions
by: Anonymous

Yes, Cheryl, the second question about painting process on wood.
How should the piece of wood be prepared?
(example: apply a varnish or gesso to seal wood)
and secondly,
How the finished product should be sealed for protection?

I kind of like the idea using Vitrail Glass Paint, and would like to give the medium a try.


Hi Elaine,
Use an all-purpose wood sealer. The wood tannin will bleach trough the gesso. AFter you seal the wood you CAN coat it with gesso. You'll need so sand the wood after sealing it and likely need to sand it lightly after the gesso.
The Vitrail Glass paint comes in transparent and opaque formulas. Just a reminder that they are INTENDED for Plexiglas, glass and acetate. As for varnish, I don't really know what sort of chemical interaction will occur. I'd let them air-dry and leave it at that.

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